Offer18 and Affise are both SaaS performance marketing platforms. Let's discuss what they do exactly and what makes them unique.
Affise is a complete partner marketing ecosystem that helps its customers grow their businesses by providing all the tools necessary to run a full partner program from one, fully customizable dashboard. Performance is ideal for Networks and Agencies who are looking for a platform that offers the ability to manage all aspects of performance marketing along with customization features.
Offer18 is a performance marketing software for networks, agencies, and advertisers that helps them track, optimize and measure the performance of their networks. While the two platforms offer similar functionality, the main difference falls in the tracking category where Affise can offer View-Through Attribution as well as the ability to integrate all your affiliate offers into Performance with just a few clicks, which makes the migration process super easy. Affise also offers more analytics choices with 50+ data slices and breakdowns, so that you can look at your performance from different angles.
Last updated on January 10, 2023